Wednesday, January 14, 2009

"Dream King"

A dream is something that we see,
‘cause when we’re snoring and lying in bed
Sometimes our eyes want to keep on seeing-
They get tired of the blankness of eyelids closed…

Most times we wake up and forget what we saw,
But sometimes we end up seeing something amazing;
‘cause when we do wake up,
We’ll remember everything we saw;
And those dreams
Are the ones that change people.

Dr. King had one of those dreams.

He saw his children,
their smiling faces beaming back at him-
Living in a country where
they weren’t defined by the color of their skin,
A country where
they could sit in the front of the bus;
Drink from the same fountain,
And get the same education
that the white children could;
But black and white didn’t matter though,
‘cause everyone was equal.

Dr. King woke up and he shared his dream with people,
‘cause they too got tired of being judged by the color of their skin
they too got tired of being separate and unequal
They too wanted to be equal

He told everyone about his dream
He wanted them to see his dream
And all those beside him helped to realize that dream
And that was something amazing.

Martin Luther King died changing the world around him.
But the world didn’t stop changing,
People didn’t stop dreaming,
And his children
Would start seeing his dream

As do we.

-Alex Jamal

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